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Committed exclusively to our clients

You have what it takes to be a successful investor. We are here to support you:

$9 Trillion in Assets under Management...

making Vanguard the second-largest asset manager in the world (as at 29 February 2024)

50 million clients globally

By your side, on your side – with low-cost funds and ETFs since 1975

A unique ownership structure

Thanks to our mutual-like ownership structure, we can put our clients first.*

*The Vanguard Group, Inc. is owned by Vanguard's US-domiciled funds and ETFs. Those funds in turn are owned by their investors.

Man leading a meeting
Man leading a meeting

Our mission

Our founder launched the first index fund for retail investors in 1976, giving them access to passive, cost-efficient investments.

On this basis, he founded Vanguard and defined our mission, which still guides our actions today: We want to give investors the best chance for long-term success.

Vanguard’s principles for investing success

Some people say investing is complicated. We don't think it has to be. In fact, we think successful investing rests on four simple principles.

These principles rest on a simple idea: Focus on what you can control for the best chance of investment success.

Investing the Vanguard way: Our funds & ETFs

With the low-cost, broadly diversified Vanguard ETFs, you keep more of your returns. Investing with Vanguard is transparent and straightforward.


ETFs offer a simple, low-cost way to invest in a variety of securities.

You can sell your ETF shares at any time, and you will always know which securities you are investing in.

Frequently asked questions

Important information

We don’t offer investment advice based on personal circumstances. If you are unsure whether the products mentioned on this site are suitable for you, please speak to a financial adviser. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. The value of investments, and the income from them, may fall or rise and you may get back less than you invested.