Vanguard facts and figures


Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, USA

Chairman and CEO

Salim Ramji

Fund Line-up

212 funds in the US, 216 funds outside the US*

Total assets under management

USD 10.4 trillion*

Ownership structure


Number of employees

20,000 worldwide***

*Data as of 31 January 2025.

**The Vanguard Group, Inc. is owned by Vanguard's US-domiciled funds and ETFs. Those funds in turn are owned by their investors.

***The number of employees is updated annually (figures as of 31.12.2023).


Committed exclusively to our clients

We are a little different from other asset managers: Vanguard has cooperative roots in the US and is not listed on the stock exchange, putting the interests of our around 50 million customers worldwide are at the heart of everything we do.

We don't chase trends, but do everything we can to help investors achieve their long-term goals.

Investing involves risks.

Vanguard in Europe

Over the past decades, Vanguard has grown to become one of the world’s largest investment management companies, with a presence in America, Europe and Australia.

In Europe, Vanguard has over 1,000 employees in offices in Amsterdam, Dublin, Frankfurt, London, Manchester, Milan, Paris and Zurich.

In Europe, Vanguard leverages the scale, experience and resources of our established global business.

"We want to give investors the best chance for success.”

Roger Bootz

Head of Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Managing Officer

Vanguard’s principles for investing success

Some people say investing is complicated. We don't think it has to be. In fact, we think successful investing rests on four simple principles.

  • Create clear, appropriate investment goals

    For investment success and to avoid unnecessary risks, investors should start by defining clear goals and developing an appropriate plan based on realistic return expectations.

    Create an investment plan
  • Develop a suitable asset allocation using broadly diversified funds

    A robust investment strategy is based on a broadly diversified portfolio suitable for the investment objectives. Investors can manage risks and limit volatility by broadly diversifying their investments across markets, regions and sectors.

    Finding balance in the portfolio
  • Minimise cost

    Investors have no control over the markets, but they can control how much they pay for their investments. They should make use of this leverage, because every Swiss Franc in costs and fees is detrimental to returns.

    Learn more about costs
  • Maintain perspective and long-term discipline

    Don't lose sight of your goal

    Stay on course

Frequently asked questions

Important information

We don’t offer investment advice based on personal circumstances. If you are unsure whether the products mentioned on this site are suitable for you, please speak to a financial adviser. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. The value of investments, and the income from them, may fall or rise and you might get back less than you invested.